Find talent
Over 25 years of experience and a database of more than 50,000 multilingual professionals enable us to find the perfectly suited candidate(s) for your company. You can rely on us for the short haul as well as the long. We’re always happy to develop a long-term collaboration with our customers, providing them with the right candidates at a record pace every time they are looking to expand their team.
And then Secretary Plus became 'Bright Plus'
Our offer
Why choose Bright Plus?
Test talent
Know your candidate
Coaching Solutions
Sharpen your employees' skills
Let's partner up!
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Our mission
What we want to achieve
Our mission
Personal and digital
Our mission
We want to get to know you
Our mission
Open communication
Are you interested in a cooperation?
Contact us for an offer tailored to your needs
Our vision
How we see the world
Our vision
The best matchmaker on the market
Our vision
But also careermakers
Are you interested in a cooperation?
Contact us for an offer tailored to your needs
Let's partner up!
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Our company culture
Our biggest asset? That's our team!
+25 years
of experience
Let's partner up!
Request a custom offer.